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Completing the forms below required for registration does not mean that your child is registered in our program. 

These form are made available to help speed up the registration process.

Registration is done in person by appointment with a KKCC staff member.

MUST be stamped and signed by child's physician. 

Updated yearly.  *Required for registration

MUST be stamped and signed by child's physician. 

Updated yearly.  *Required for registration

Used to initiate payment deductions from your credit card, checking, or savings account.

Used to authorize staff to administer prescription medication.​​

Used for vacations longer than 3 weeks.

Notice must be given 4 weeks in advance

Important dates to take note of, for example closed days, early dismissals and other events.

MUST be stamped and signed by child's physician. 

Updated yearly.  *Required for registration

Contact information used in case of an emergency. 

Updated yearly.  Required for registration

Dates that parents are responsible to have funds available for payment deductions.

Used to authorize staff to apply over the counter topicals or sprays used on external areas.

Used to withdraw children from our program.

Notice must be given 4 weeks in advance.

The list of personal and classroom supplies necessary on a yearly basis.

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