KKCC is a private institution that operates on a tight budget mainly derived from tuition payments and fees. Timely payment allows us to offer high-quality services, teacher materials and supplies, and well-trained educated staff.
All payments are NON-Refundable. There is no credit, discounts, or refund for sick days, snow days, acts of God, inclement weather, holidays, center approved closed days, early dismissal days, or parent/child vacations.
Initial Payment
The initial payment is made up of the Security Deposit (1 week of tuition), payment for the first 2 weeks of service, and the Book Fee for the current year. The Initial payment does NOT include the Registration Fee. Security Deposit and Initial Payment MUST be paid by the Friday before the child’s first day. The Initial payment MUST be paid using a bank or credit card. Cash or personal checks are not accepted. Using a credit card for payments requires parent to pay additional card processing fees.
Security Deposit
Parents are required to pay a Security Deposit of one (1) week of tuition for each child being enrolled. KKCC will credit this deposit to the child's last 2 weeks in the program when a four-week withdrawal notice is provided, and if the family’s account is in good standing. No refunds of deposit shall be given. The weekly rate may increase between the time of enrollment and time of withdrawal. Therefore, parents are responsible to pay the difference that the deposit may not cover with their last tuition express deduction.
Tuition Payments
Payments are processed using Tuition Express (third party processor). Tuition Express allows KKCC to automatically withdraw funds from a checking account, saving account or a credit card to pay for tuition, late fees, pictures, books, field trips, etc. Using a credit card for payments requires parent to pay additional card processing fees
ACH Payment Method
This is the preferred method to use for paying fees. Deductions processed every 2 weeks, see the Tuition Express Due Dates provided. Fees charged are deducted from a checking or saving account or credit card. Only one checking or savings account can be added on file per child. Using a credit card for payments requires parent to pay additional card processing fees. A completed Tuition Express Authorization Form must be submitted along with proof of account ownership at time of registration or when account information changes.
Non-ACH Payment Method
Parents may choose to pay tuition and fees with a bank card or credit card. However, tuition payments must be paid four-weeks in advance using a bank or credit card. Other fees must be paid as charged. Payment for non-ACH tuition is due no later than the end of the business day on Monday in accordance with every other Tuition Express Due Date payment cycle. Using a bank card or credit card for payments requires parents to pay additional card processing fees.
Tuition Express Due Dates
Tuition Express Due Dates indicate the day parents are responsible to have funds available for the automatic deduction (ACH payment) using Tuition Express. These dates are not an indication of when transactions are posted on parent accounts. In most cases, deductions of funds are made within the week of the due dates. However, this may differ if there are holidays or closed days within the deduction week and determined by parent’s banking institution. Tuition Express Due Dates indicate the beginning of a new payment cycle.
Flexible-Spending Accounts (FSA)
Some employers offer flexible-spending accounts as a benefit to its employees. With FSA, employees contribute money from their salary to later be used to reimburse out-of-pocket dependent care expenses. KKCC assists parents with FSA claims by providing tuition statements and or signing required forms. Please email or drop off requests to KKCC Administration. Allow 2-3 business days for required forms to be completed and returned or emailed.